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World Foundry is open source [GPL] package, originally developed as a commercial product, that enables non-programmers to create 3d environments and games. It combines a powerful 3D engine with an external level editing system. The system is extremely modular, and, through its scripting capabilities, the engine is capable of very varied behavior without changing the engine itself. This gives designers a large amount of freedom and flexibility. There is also a sophisticated, unique camera-handling model, allowing for dramatic camera motion during game scenes. Development is located at http://sourceforge.net/projects/wf-gdk


World Foundry wiki online
    kts - 2002-04-07 19:46
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doxygen output now online
    kts - 2002-04-07 19:43
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Graphics quality improved
    kts - 2002-03-20 00:37
(0 Comments) [Read More/Comment]

First level created entirely under linux runs!
    kts - 2001-10-22 17:34
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[ made with world foundry ]
[ screen shot ]  [ screen shot ]  [ screen shot ]  [ screen shot ]  [ screen shot ]  [ screen shot ]  [ screen shot ]